Teetiri protects the grassland - 44 - Teetiri decides on the plan to fight Billi

Teetiri decides on the plan to fight Billi

Teetiri quickly outlined her plan to fight Billi. It would require the participation of all the birds of the grassland. Each one would have a separate role to remove Billi from the marsh. First, she called Bater aside and told him about his and his family’s role in the plan. Next, Kotwal was told to bring together his family and explain to them about their part of the strategy. The plan would require excellent coordination between Kotwal and the drongos and Bater and the jungle bush quail. Teetiri would lead the attack like the leader that she was just elected to be.

Next, came the role of the lone birds, Darzi, Phoolchuki and Bulbul. Darzi was asked to go with Phoolchuki and play their roles exactly as Teetiri had told them to. After the lone birds, it was the responsibility of the large flocks, namely the mynas and the sparrows. Salonki was asked to explain to her family of more than a hundred mynas about their role. Chimini had come back from the cropfields with her large family of sixty-seven sparrows. They were also given a role in this plan. All the birds of the grassland went about to begin the war against Billi. Except Bulbul.

Bulbul sat on a low babool branch that swung low over the marsh. He had not been told about the entire plan. He was only told that his role would be to sit on the low babool branch and keep watching Billi. That was to be his entire role. Teetiri had worried that he would perhaps not be able to keep it as a secret. But because of his location, Bulbul saw the entire war happen out there that day in the grassland. He went back to tell other bulbuls in the village of what he saw, and how the birds defeated Billi and chased him away from the grassland. The bulbuls later told the story to Bade Miya and Chote Miya. Bade Miya told the story to Kaawla Chacha while Chote Miya excitedly added some unrelated parts while telling the story to Guturgu. The “War of the Marsh Waters”, as it came to be known was later told by Bade Miya, Guturgu, Kaawla Chacha and Bulbul to several other birds and animals. It became known as a famous war, and the story is still being told out there in the grassland. Here is how it happened.