Teetiri protects the grassland - 50 - Bater and his quail family

Bater and his quail family

So that was the other part of the strategy, and what a wonderful plan, Bulbul thought. Billi was actually trying to catch a different jungle bush quail each time. Billi seemed to be absolutely sure that he was trying to catch the same jungle bush quail each time. Whereas he was, in fact pouncing on one quail, allowing him to get away, and then chasing another quail. Teetiri must have thought up this strategy when she saw that all the jungle bush quail looked equally frightened and nervous. Billi would never guess that he was chasing a different quail each time.

Meanwhile on the ground, a tired Billi had managed to pull himself out of the marsh waters. He was exhausted from all the effort that it required to come out of the very sticky slush. He decided to sit down and take some rest. Teetiri had planned for this situation also; it seemed to Bulbul, for Kotwal immediately flew down to where Bater was hiding in the marsh grasses. Hiding himself behind a thick clump of grasses, Kotwal tried to talk to Bater. It seemed like an impossible task for Bater was totally invisible even though he was sitting right in front of Kotwal. He could only see Bater’s eye looking back at him from the dry brown grass in front of him. The rest of the body was very difficult to trace out from its surroundings.

You had better signal to your family to withdraw from their positions, Kotwal told Bater. Bring them all closer to you and slowly start moving back from the marsh. Bater’s eyelid flickered up and down, and he raised his head to speak to Kotwal, Move back now? Why? We are doing so fine, all of us. I have never seen my family so bold, so courageous and faithful. They are, each one of them, confident of facing up to Billi. And they are doing it, without my presence at their side. I am so proud of them. Why should we withdraw now? Is this the end of Teetiri’s plan? Bater asked Kotwal.

No, my courageous friend, this is not the end of Teetiri’s plan, Kotwal replied, there is more to come. Just wait. Billi may get dangerous as he gets more and more tired. That is why Teetiri wants you and your family out of the marsh now. Each time that Billi pounced on one of your family, we were lucky. It could have gone the other way also. Each time, Billi could have managed to catch one member of your family. Now it is the turn of the other birds of the grassland to harass Billi. So, Bater, my friend, you had better call your family back.