Teetiri protects the grassland - 33 - A plan to search for Bater


A plan to search for Bater

Bater was excellent in hiding in the grassland, Kotwal’s father said. You could spend the entire season in the grassland without seeing Bater or any of his relatives. You cannot search for Bater, he said. You have to wait for Bater to show himself. The drongo family sat together to plan the strategy to spot Bater in the grassland. First, all the drongos, Kotwal’s family included, would fly out of the trees along the river-banks, and perch on high tree branches that overlooked every path and trail in the grassland. Second, Kotwal would have to go and ask Salonki for help. Salonki would have to get all the mynas to disturb the grassland wherever there were rocks and tall grass. They would have to move around the tall grass areas among the rocks and chatter loudly to disturb Bater and his family.

Having agreed on this, the drongos flew out of the tall arjuna trees along the river-banks to the grassland and began to choose perches on the branches of all the tall trees. From up here, they could spot movement on any path or trail in the grassland. The drongos were good at spotting the tiniest of insects flitting about and would be able to pinpoint any movement in the grassland. Kotwal flew over to the babool tree to meet Salonki. He explained the strategy to Salonki who immediately called out to her family to stop chattering. Once silence was achieved, and instructions passed on, Salonki asked her family to break up into small flocks and spread out among the rocks in the tall grass.

The mynas spread out as told by Salonki. Eight to ten mynas in each flock sat on the rocks and began to chatter loudly. Hundreds of mynas started walking around, jumping up and down the rocks, running after insects and pecking at the wandering red crabs that seemed to be lost away from the water. With all the mynas moving around, the grassland suddenly seemed like a small place, after all. The drongos could immediately see the effect on the grassland. There was a confused looking Dominga, an angry Phoolchuki and a disgusted Darzi flying up from their nests, upset at the peace of the grassland being disturbed in this manner. Kotwal’s father spotted Naag rushing away to hide inside a hole next to some rocks, while Dhaman could be seen hurrying away to another hole.