Teetiri protects the grassland - 35 - Kotwal’s father spots Bater


Kotwal’s father spots Bater

Kotwal decided that he would perch on the highest Babool branch in this part of the grassland in order to search for Bater and at the same time, to be able to keep an eye on his father. Salonki went off to sit on the rocks nearby. Both the birds waited patiently. Kotwal’s father seemed to have caught a grasshopper and was searching for a bush to perch upon. Not finding one nearby, he jumped on to some low-lying rocks. The grasshopper jumped out of his beak and went inside the nearby grass, followed by Kotwal’s father. The commotion soon led to some movement in the grass. Two tailor birds flew out of the bushes nearby, followed by an Indian Robin and his family. He began to fly low and circle around some clumps of grass.

And suddenly, Kotwal’s father began to signal towards the path covered by Kotwal, perched high up in the Babool tree. .

Kotwal and all his brothers and sisters had been watching their father with embarrassment. Imagine, darting off to catch grasshoppers when they had such an important task on their wings. But they also knew and respected their father. They could immediately understand that there was some reason for their father to begin to signal towards the path in the grassland. Perhaps, it was Bater. Kotwal and his brothers and sister flew down to cover all the bushes and perched on the branches. It is Bater, I am sure, It is Bater, I am sure, Kotwal’s father said repeatedly. See, only an experienced old bird knows the secrets of the grassland, he said. But where was Bater, Kotwal asked.

He will not come out, Kotwal’s father replied, he is shy. I know him well. You will need to persuade him to show himself. Kotwal called out to Bater. There was no response. All the drongos, one after the other, called out without success. Kotwal began to suspect that his father was perhaps fooling them all to make up for having shown off his greed to catch the tasty grasshopper. Kotwal’s father began to circle slowly, flying low over the grass clumps near the babool bushes. Suddenly he swooped down and sat on a low rock, watching what seemed like grass, rocks and pebbles. There, you can see him now. Bater and his family, hiding among the rocks, grass and pebbles.

Salonki, Phoolchuki and Darzi came over to the spot. Salonki sat on a low babool branch and called out to Bater. On another low neem tree, Phoolchuki sat and called out to Bater. All the drongos had circled the patch and were keeping a watch for any unseen predators. Bater may be worried about predators, since the grassland had been disturbed, so extensively, thought Kotwal. There are no predators nearby, and we want to talk to you and ask your help, Kotwal called out to Bater. Hearing the assurance, the grass parted, and Bater came out very hesitantly. The rest of his family was still hidden inside the grass. Do not worry, Darzi said. We need your help. All the birds of the grassland need to get rid of a new enemy in the grassland. Guturgu asked Teetiri to seek your help and Teetiri needs you desperately, Kotwal said.