Teetiri protects the grassland - 54 - What could he do? What could he do?


What could he do? What could he do?

Whatcouldhedowhatcouldhedowhatcouldhedo? Billi kept repeating to himself. He had to find himself some food. He began to walk around the stony patch, not wanting to go back across the path where he had had bad luck trying to catch the jungle bush quail. Bulbul was watching him from above, wondering as to whether Billi now had a plan. He knew that Teetiri certainly had a plan and that seemed to be working so far. Where would it end? How would it end? How would all this running and chasing be able to scare Billi away from the marsh? He certainly did not look like he was about to leave the marsh.

Suddenly, Kotwal moved from his perch in the higher branch and came to one of the lower ones, in complete view of Billi. On another tree, away to the left, Kotwal’s father could be seen perched on one of the higher branches. And, another tree had Kotwal’s sister perched on one of the higher branches. And all the three drongos began to call each other. Billi looked up, startled at the sound of three black drongos calling out to each other behind him. This did not look good, he thought. But, wait a minute, Billi realised, perhaps it was a good thing, after all. If those three drongos were busy chatting with each other, way BEHIND him, then there would be no problem in hunting for birds in FRONT of him. Well, he was certainly an intelligent cat, and nobody could fool HIM, that was for sure, Billi told himself.

Billi kept walking slowly in front of him, towards the high ridge of the grassland. The marsh ended at the high ridge, and the waters collected underground as a natural spring and came out below the fifteen feet ridge as a small stream that flowed into the village. Anybody visiting the grassland or the marsh would not be able to understand that even the grass and bushes growing on the ridge-top were actually supporting the marsh in providing waters to the village. The fifteen feet high ridge had a natural slope that fell away gradually towards the river on the other side of the grassland. The river waters supported the agriculture while the marsh waters fed the stream to the village.

Bulbul - the redvented bulbul - wondered about Billi's walk
Why was Billi walking slowly along the water stream?
[Photograph - Govinda Swami]

Bulbul kept wondering as to why Billi was walking slowly along the narrow water streams in the marsh towards the high ridge. Perhaps it was because of Kotwal and the other drongos chattering away to one side, inside the marsh. At the further end, Salonki and her cousins were creating a loud noise. Chimini and her cousins along with the other members of the family had now taken courage and were settling on the babool branches inside the marsh and gossiping loudly. Billi was perhaps looking for some peaceful spot to hide and hunt. What would Teetiri do now? Bulbul asked Darzi, unable to contain himself any longer. Darzi seemed to glare more fiercely at Bulbul and continued to keep quiet.