Teetiri protects the grassland - 28 - Guturgu gives advice to Salonki


Guturgu gives advice to Salonki

Would the marsh also come to this, Salonki wondered. Would the mynas, sparrows, bulbuls, lapwings and drongos, continue to live peacefully in the grassland? Would they have to begin to develop a very alert and attentive system like Guturgu and his pigeons?  This seemed so silly. Why live like this? Forever fearful? Thankfully, the grassland was not like the village, except for the danger from Naag or Dhaman or Shikra or Shaheen. Salonki whispered to himself. Probably these were the dangers of living near or in human settlements. What was Guturgu thinking? Was it so difficult to get rid of Billi? Would Guturgu be able to help? Would Salonki, Teetiri and Kotwal have to wait until Bade Miya went into the marsh to chase Billi away? Salonki wondered.

I can sense your worries, my old friend. You are thinking if your grassland would also become a dangerous place, with unknown enemies, Guturgu said. Yes, Salonki said, we can survive with our known enemies, like Naag, Dhaman or Kaawla. Sometimes we can fool Shikra or Shaheen. But animals like Billi will bring other problems with them. We cannot survive without our water. We need the marsh in the grassland, Salonki added. Guturgu nodded and hmmmmmed. I do not think I can help you as much as you hope I can do magic immediately to chase Billi away from the grassland. Do you not see how we live her, in constant fear of various animals? Guturgu asked.

I cannot lend you strength or wisdom, Salonki my friend. You need to solve this problem with your own strengths, Guturgu said. It is not wise to invite others to help you when danger threatens you inside your own house. You need to work together, Guturgu advised and added, all the birds in the grassland need to think about this together. You can do it. The answer is within you. You need to search for it, my dear friend, Guturgu said. Those who live together will always help each other. Do as we do. See how well we have organised ourselves.We have not lost a pigeon for the past more than sixty days.