Teetiri protects the grassland - 47 - Bater escapes from Billi and escapes and escapes

Bater escapes from Billi and escapes and escapes

Bulbul was actually chuckling because Billi had failed to catch the jungle bush quail on each lunge. He had heard Kotwal change his warning call to a melodious note just before Billi had jumped. Bulbul was not sure that Billi had not understood the change in the tone of the warning call. But even Bulbul was not certain that he knew the entire plan. How had Bater managed to escape Billi’s lunge and move four feet away, and so fast? Such a nervous and frightened bird, but the jungle bush quail had jumped away with confidence at the very right moment. Was Billi presuming that Bater would be an easy bird to hunt down because he looked so frightened and nervous?

Billi looked around, wondering how Bater had managed to escape him twice. Was that drongo warning off the jungle bush quail? Did the drongo think that Billi was a dumb animal? He looked around to see if the drongo was perched at the topmost branch. He seemed to have moved away. Now there was another bird watching him from the lower branches. It must be that Phoolchuki, Billi thought, an absolutely useless bird to catch, for it was a very small bird and possibly not easy to hunt. Phoolchuki was very fast and mostly in the branches. Where was that jungle bush quail now?

Bater - the jungle bush quail - kept escaping
Billi could not catch Bater. He kept escaping easily.
[Photograph - Saleel Tambe]

There he was again, about six feet away. How does such a frightened looking animal manage to move so fast? Billi wondered. The jungle bush quail was looking scared. Bater seemed such an easy target. He had better make sure that there was no mistake this time. He should be lucky on the third time, Billi thought to himself. He looked around to see if the drongo was around. Well, he certainly did not seem to be at the perch, and there did not seem to be any other drongo calling out. Bulbul was at the same perch, but at least he was quiet and he would not disturb or warn the jungle bush quail. Only that irritating Phoolchuki was moving around in the lower branches of the babool tree, warbling in a low voice, and trying to look for insects. Billi moved again, crouching low, and moving very slowly.

Billi crawled for about four feet, through the tall grass. He wanted to make sure that he could certainly catch the jungle bush quail this time. He was only two feet away from the very frightened looking Bater. The jungle bush quail was moving around, very nervously, one step to the left, one step to the right, one step to the front, and running back some steps. Billi did not even want to stop and wonder why Bater was moving around in such a manner. He was getting hungrier and hungrier. He needed to catch that jungle bush quail very fast. He took one last look around. The drongo was still absent, Bulbul was sitting quietly, watching Billi, while Phoolchuki was moving around, warbling in a low, low voice.