Teetiri protects the grassland - 48 - Bulbul wonders about the plan

Bulbul wonders about the plan

Up above in the babool tree, Bulbul wondered as to what this plan was all about. He had thought that he had understood it when Kotwal had warned Bater twice, at the very instant that Billi had pounced. Bater had disappeared in the grass in a very rapid flash, the moment that Kotwal had changed his call from a low single syllable to a harsh screech. But Kotwal was not to be seen now. How Bater would escape Billi this time, Bulbul wondered. Phoolchuki kept moving from branch to branch and warbling in a low voice. Just as Billi stopped crawling and crouched to prepare for the jump, Phoolchuki stood still on a low branch and changed her call to a longer melodious note.

Billi had begun to make the jump when Phoolchuki changed her call. But Billi had not noticed the change as he was absolutely engrossed in trying to catch Bater. Billi landed once again on the marsh ground, but this time on very wet and soggy soil. He tried to get up but seemed to be stuck in the slush. He struggled and somehow pulled himself out of the soggy and slushy mud patch. He searched the spot to see if he had caught the jungle bush quail. He had failed once again. This was getting to be very irritating. He was usually very good at catching birds in the village, when he hid himself in the trees and bushes. What was puzzling was that he could not seem to catch the most frightened looking bird in the grassland. How did that jungle bush quail do that? How did he manage to escape his lunge and at the very next instant disappear and reappear four or six feet away?

Bulbul realised now that while Billi kept chasing Bater around the marsh, Phoolchuki, Darzi and Kotwal were moving around in the low babool branches. Kotwal stayed inside the thick canopy, unseen but coordinating Phoolchuki and Darzi. They were signalling back and forth to Bater and his family, indicating which way Billi was moving about, and where he had to be taken. Bulbul began to assemble the plan as he understood it at the moment. Teetiri had probably identified one bird to warn Bater at the very moment that Billi would make his jump. The birds in the grassland had also apparently decided that Kotwal would warn Bater for two jumps while Phoolchuki and Darzi would also alternately warn the jungle bush quail. Salonki and her mynas had surrounded the marsh along the sides facing the grassland. The unguarded side of the marsh was the one leading towards the village.